"The Clunker Chronicles: A Goblin’s Tale of Guts and Glory"

Oi, listen up, ya lot. It's me, Grimble the Gritty, and I've got a tale to tell ya 'bout the time I got roped into a right mess with Skrog the Brutal and Vark the Timid. Now, if ya don't know Skrog, he's that hulkin' brute who clawed his way from bein' a runt to bein' chief of his own horde. Big, mean, covered in scars, and about as pleasant as a hungry troll with a toothache. As for Vark… well, he's a jittery little fella who somehow ended up with a mace that’s bigger than he is. Not exactly the picture of bravery, but we'll get to him in a bit.

So, it all started when Skrog decided he needed a new trophy to hang up in his war tent. Apparently, crushin' skulls and plunderin' villages wasn’t satisfyin’ enough anymore. He had his beady eyes set on some ancient trinket, hidden deep in the Gloomwood Forest—my neck of the woods. Course, bein' the wise goblin that I am, I knew that this trinket was nothin' but trouble, but Skrog, bein' all brawn and no brains, wasn't havin' any of that. He insisted that I lead him and his sorry excuse for a bodyguard, Vark, to this so-called treasure.

We set off through the forest, with Skrog stompin’ around like he owned the place and Vark trailin' behind, tryin' not to trip over his own mace. "Clunker," he calls it. More like "Cursed Weight," if ya ask me. I swear, every time he tried to heft that thing, I half-expected him to topple over and start rollin' down the path like a tumbleweed.

Now, the deeper we went, the thicker the forest got, and the more lost Skrog started to look. But would he admit it? Nah, not that big lump. Instead, he just growled and blamed Vark for breathin' too loud or me for bein' too sneaky. Eventually, we reached a spot where even the trees seemed to get nervous. That's when I realized we were close to the trinket. Or, more accurately, the trap that was waitin' for us.

Skrog, with all the subtlety of a boar in a pottery shop, barges ahead, pushin' past branches and knockin' over bushes. Meanwhile, Vark is laggin' behind, mutterin' to himself and lookin' like he might faint at the sight of a squirrel. I tell 'em both to watch their step, but of course, Skrog doesn’t listen. He steps on a hidden trigger, and suddenly, the ground gives way beneath him. Next thing we know, we're all slidin' down a slope, tumblin' into a pit full of... well, it wasn't exactly treasure, let's put it that way.

There we were, covered in muck and surrounded by what looked like the remains of goblins who hadn't been so lucky. Skrog's growlin' and cursin', tryin' to claw his way out of the pit, but the walls are too steep and slick. Vark, on the other hand, is just standin' there, starin' at his mace like it might sprout wings and fly him outta there.

"Vark, you daft goblin!" I shout. "Do somethin' useful for once!"

Vark gives me a wide-eyed look and then, with a shaky breath, lifts "Clunker" over his head. I could see the determination in his eyes—though it was mostly overshadowed by sheer terror. He brings the mace down on the side of the pit with all the strength he's got, and wouldn’t ya know it, the whole wall crumbles away, revealin' a tunnel that none of us had noticed before.

We scramble out of the pit, and Skrog, covered in grime and angrier than a hornet's nest, looks like he's about to tear Vark apart. But before he can, we hear this low rumble echoin' from the tunnel. Turns out, the "treasure" we were after was guarded by some ancient, long-forgotten beast, and it wasn’t too happy about us disturbin' its nap.

Now, most goblins would've legged it, but Skrog, bein' the brute that he is, decides to charge right at the thing. Vark, bless his jittery heart, lets out a squeak and follows after him, clingin' to "Clunker" like it’s the only thing keepin' him alive. Me? I figure there's no point in arguin', so I bring up the rear, grumblin' all the way.

What followed was a blur of screamin', bashin', and runnin' for our lives. Skrog swung his axe, Vark flailed around with his mace, and I—well, I was busy tryin' to keep my hide intact. But somehow, in the midst of all the chaos, Vark managed to land a lucky hit on the beast's noggin, sendin' it crumplin' to the ground.

When the dust settled, Skrog was pantin', Vark was shakin' like a leaf, and I was pickin' twigs outta my ears. Skrog, grudgingly impressed, slapped Vark on the back so hard that he nearly sent him flyin'.

"Looks like the runt's got some fight in him after all," Skrog grunted, which, comin' from him, was about the highest praise a goblin could get.

As for me, I just shook my head and led 'em back outta the forest, makin' sure to take the long way around so we wouldn’t have to deal with any more nasty surprises. When we finally got back to Skrog’s camp, he was in such a good mood that he actually offered to share his loot with us—not that there was much left of it after all the trouble we went through.

And Vark? Well, he’s still timorous as ever, but now he walks around with his head a little higher, even if he still stumbles over his own feet. As for me, I learned that sometimes, even the most unlikely goblin can surprise ya—though I’ll never admit that to Vark's face.

So, there ya have it. A tale of guts, glory, and a goblin who nearly knocked himself out with his own weapon. Now, if ya don’t mind, I’ve got a stew on the fire that needs tendin’ to. Ain’t no story worth tellin’ on an empty stomach.


"The Tale of Vark the Timid: How a Shakin' Goblin Saved a Big Ol' Brute"


Da Big Ruckas at Thunder Place