“Oi, listen up, ya scallywags! Fer every goblin ye snatch up, we'll be plantin' not one, but two trees! That's right, buy a goblin, get double the green. It’s a deal ye can't refuse—trees fer the world, goblins fer yer collection!

'Bout Our Tree Plantin' "Ya see, we's workin' with them Eden Reforestation folks. They's plantin' trees that bring all sorts o’ good stuff—helpin’ them critters, shorelines, an’ puttin’ coins in the pockets o’ the local folks. Mangrove trees, they be somethin' special, suckin’ up all that bad air stuff like a big ol' goblin's nose sniffin’ out trouble!"

Why Mangrove Trees? "Mangroves be odd critters, growin' 'cross the wet bits in the tropics in over 120 places. They do a whole lot fer us—keepin' them big waves from smashin' us, hidin' baby fishes, givin' us buildin' bits an’ firewood, and grabbin’ up that carbon stuff, makin’ the world a bit less toasty."

Carbon Gulpin' Champs "With all them smelly fumes floatin’ 'round, we need somethin' ta soak it up. Mangroves do it best—holdin’ up more carbon than the biggest rainforests! Quick-growin’ too, like a goblin grabbin’ gold!"

Savvy 'bout Savin' Critters "When them forests get whacked, critters got no place ta go. Madagascar's got all kinds of weird beasties—mammals, lemurs, birds, frogs—most of ‘em nowhere else ta be found! Plantin’ trees there with Eden helps keep their homes safe an' snug."