Da Big Ruckas at Thunder Place

Da Thunder Place, oh boy, it be a mean ol’ spot, where da sky spits fire an’ da ground grumbles like a tummy fulla bad bugs. But we gobbos? We ain’t scared! Nah, we see dat place an’ think, “Yep, time fer a good ol’ scrap!”Rukk da Rumbler an’ his big ol’ doglin buddy Brutus da Bully was da first ta show up. Rukk, he’s a big ‘un, all muscle an’ mean, bellowin’ like a ogre with a stubbed toe. Brutus, he’s snufflin’ ‘round, sniffin’ fer trouble, his ugly mug lookin’ even grumpier than usual. Rukk, he’s all fired up, ready ta smash somethin’ good, an’ Brutus? Well, Brutus just wanna bite stuff, like always. Soon ‘nuff, who shows up but Drokk da Dog-Slayer! Don’t let da name fool ya, he ain’t no dog-biter—he’s da boss of ‘em! With him is his smashy mate, Scrappy da Smasher, all bark an’ bite, ready ta flatten anythin’ what moves. Drokk, he’s got that look like he’s always thinkin’, plottin’ some sneaky plan or ‘nother. Rukk gives him a nod, like, “Alright, you’s here, let’s get dis rumble goin’!”But hold on, who’s dat comin’ outta da mist? It’s ol’ Grizzle da Houndmaster! He don’t say much, just grunts like he swallowed a rock. But we all knows he’s da best at keepin’ doglins in line. An’ with him? Chomp da Chewer, a right nasty bit o’ work who loves gnawin’ on just ‘bout anythin’. Chomp’s busy munchin’ on some poor sap’s bones he found, but he’s always ready fer more.Rukk grins, showin’ his big, pointy teeth. “Well, looks like da gang’s all ‘ere! What’s da plan, Drokk? You always got da brains fer dis kinda stuff.”Drokk just shrugs, lookin’ up at da angry clouds. “Thunder Place ain’t no playground, Rukk. Da ground’s all shifty an’ da sky’s angry. We gotta be smart, or we’ll all end up crispy.”Grizzle spits, crossin’ his arms. “Ain’t no lone hero rubbish. We stick together, or da storm’ll chew us up an’ spit us out.”Rukk just laughs, swingin’ his big ol’ club. “I say let’s get ta bashin’! Brutus an’ me, we’re ready ta rumble!”So off they go, deeper inta da Thunder Place, where da ground’s shakin’ like a gobbo who ate too much fire-root. Da storm’s gettin’ all mad, lightnin’ zappin’ da ground, but Rukk just charges right in, hollerin’ like a mad beast. Brutus is right there with ‘im, bashin’ through everythin’ in his way. Drokk an’ Scrappy are keepin’ close, watchin’ fer a chance ta get da drop on da enemy. But wait! What’s dis? Outta nowhere comes a whole mob of rival gobbos, all quick an’ sneaky-like, zippin’ through da storm like fish in a mud puddle. They ain’t much ta look at, but they’re slippery as snot, dartin’ in an’ out, tryin’ ta take us down. Rukk just roars, swingin’ his club, sendin’ gobbos flyin’ left an’ right. “HA! You call dat a fight? Come on, ya squishy buggers!”Drokk, always da smart one, yells, “Rukk, ya big lug, don’t get too wild! We gotta outsmart ‘em, not just bash ‘em!” Grizzle pulls out his big ol’ horn an’ blows a note so loud it makes da ground shake even more. Chomp hears it an’ snaps into action, grabbin’ some poor gobbo’s leg an’ yankin’ him down fer a good chewin’. Grizzle grins, a nasty one, an’ says, “Time ta use dis storm, boys. We herd ‘em right inta da middle, where da zaps’ll do da work fer us.”Drokk nods, all serious-like. “Rukk, you an’ Brutus keep smashin’ ‘em back. Scrappy an’ me’ll cut off da scrawny ones tryin’ ta run. Grizzle, you push ‘em right where da lightnin’s angriest.”So dat’s what they do! Rukk an’ Brutus charge right inta da thick of it, bashin’ gobbos left an’ right, while Drokk an’ Scrappy close in, blockin’ da sneaky ones. Grizzle an’ Chomp, they work like a pair o’ nasty clockworks, drivin’ da enemy gobbos straight inta da heart of da storm.Soon ‘nuff, da rival gobbos are trapped, right where da sky’s angriest. They start panickin’, lookin’ ‘round all desperate-like as da storm rages. Lightnin’ zaps down, fryin’ gobbos left an’ right, an’ da ground trembles like it’s laughin’ at ‘em.Rukk, still laughin’ like a madgob, swings his club fer one last bash, sendin’ da last of ‘em runnin’ right inta da lightnin’. Da storm hits its peak, with zaps an’ booms everywhere, but our gobbo heroes? They just stand there, watchin’ as their enemies get cooked good an’ proper.Finally, da storm starts ta calm down, an’ da Thunder Place goes quiet, ‘cept fer da sizzle of scorched earth an’ da smell of burnt gobbo. Rukk, puffin’ from all da fightin’, slaps Drokk on da back. “Well, dat was fun! I could use a good slug o’ grog after dis.”Drokk chuckles, noddin’. “Aye, Rukk. But don’t forget, dis was a team effort. We all pulled our weight.”Grizzle grunts, still scowlin’, but there’s a glint in his eye. “We’ll be tellin’ tales ‘bout dis one fer sure. But let’s get outta here ‘fore da storm gets ideas ‘bout round two.”As they trudge away from da Thunder Place, da gobbos exchange looks—ain’t no need fer words. They know what they done, an’ they know they’s a team, through an’ through. Da storm couldn’t beat ‘em, an’ neither could da other gobbos.Rukk da Rumbler, Brutus da Bully, Drokk da Dog-Slayer, Scrappy da Smasher, Grizzle da Houndmaster, an’ Chomp da Chewer—dey’s legends now, gobbos what took on da Thunder Place an’ won. An’ as da storm finally fades, even da clouds seem ta tip their hats to ‘em. Aye, da Thunder Place’ll be quiet fer a bit now, after all dat. But da tales? Oh, dey’ll be told an’ retold, growin’ bigger an’ madder with every gobbo what hears ‘em. Dat’s da gobbo way, after all.


"The Clunker Chronicles: A Goblin’s Tale of Guts and Glory"


How to Start Painting Tabletop Miniatures: Goblin’s Guide to Glorious Brush-Wiggling