Pocket Goblin

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Oi! Goblin's Guide to 2-Minute Tabletop!

G'day, ya shiny dice-rollers! Dis 'ere blog is all 'bout somethin’ special, an' me's gunna tell ya right quick—2-Minute Tabletop! Now, me know, us goblins ain't exactly known fer drawin' pretty pictures, but lemme tell ya, dis place is like treasure fer us lazy ol' GMs who don't wanna spend all night sketchin' maps!

So, what's dis 2-Minute Tabletop thingy, ye ask? Well, it's a big ol' stash of hand-drawn maps, tokens, and other shiny bits ta make yer games look real fancy. Whether yer marchin' through dungeons, sneakin' through swamps, or plottin' somethin’ sneaky in the city, dey got maps fer everythin'!

Why Goblins Love It!

1. Fast as a Fleein’ Goblin

Us goblins ain't got much patience, right? So, we love dat dis site makes maps fast—real fast! Don’t need ta draw a whole castle! You grab one of deir maps and BAM, ye got a battlefield quicker than ye can stuff a turnip in yer mouth! No need fer hours of scratchin’ away at parchment—just grab a map and yer good!

2. Works Everywhere!

Now, maybe yer playin' on one of dem fancy virtual tabletops like Roll20 or Foundry, or maybe ye like the old way—right on the table, throwin' dice in yer friends' faces. Doesn’t matter! 2-Minute Tabletop's got maps fer both kinds. Ye can download 'em and print 'em, or use 'em digitally fer yer online shenanigans.

3. All Da Stuff Ye Need!

Maps? Yeah, they got maps. But wait! They also got tokens! Ye need goblins like me? Got 'em! Need a grumpy troll or a sneaky trap? They got dat too! Even things like trees, rocks, an’ ruins fer yer adventurers ta stumble into. It’s like havin’ a bag o’ loot fer yer table!

4. Cheap Like a Goblin

Dis place ain’t gonna rob ye blind like dat nasty dragon! Nah, they got free maps if ye need ‘em, but if yer feelin’ real fancy, they got more stuff fer a few coins—affordable even fer us goblins! Plus, if ye wanna support 'em, dere’s a Patreon where ye get extra shiny loot!

How Goblins Use 2-Minute Tabletop

Dis here’s how ye make yer game extra fun wit’ all da goodies from 2-Minute Tabletop:

Quick Fights: Need a battlefield in a jiffy? Just grab one of dere premade maps—plop yer goblins down, and ye’re ready fer a scrap! Perfect fer ambushes!

City Shenanigans: If yer players are causin’ trouble in town, dere’s maps fer dat! Taverns, alleys, markets—wherever ye wanna steal, stab, or sneak, dey got it.

Dungeons, Me Favorite!: Ye know we goblins love our dungeons. 2-Minute Tabletop got ‘em covered, from dark creepy corridors ta treasure rooms where us goblins stash our loot.

Make Yer Own!: If ye wanna get all fancy, ye can even build yer own maps by mixin' up their assets. Create a map as wild as a goblin on too much pixie dust!

Why Even Da Laziest Goblins Love It

Us goblins, we ain’t big on art, but we know when somethin’s good. 2-Minute Tabletop is good. It's got dat hand-drawn look, like it was made just fer us adventurers who like a bit o' chaos. And dere’s so many different pieces, ye can use the same map fer a bunch o' different battles. No one'll notice, I swear!

Plus, dere's a whole bunch o' other GMs and goblins who use it, so dere's new stuff comin' all da time! It's like a magic cauldron that never stops brewin' new tricks!

Final Goblin Thoughts

So if ye want ta make yer next TTRPG game a proper riot, head on over to 2-Minute Tabletop. Grab some maps, grab some tokens, and get ready fer the best kind of chaos—goblin-style!

Now, if ye excuse me, I gotta go grab me some maps fer me next ambush. Happy gamin', and remember—never trust a goblin in a tavern 🍺