Pocket Goblin

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Goblin Painting Contest: WIN SHINY PRINTER!

Oi! Listen up, ya bunch of crafty goblins! PocketGoblin.com gots a big ol’ contest fer ya, and it’s time ta get yer grubby little claws on somethin’ real shiny—a fancy Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra Printer 🖨️. That’s right, the best goblin painter gets to take home the prize! So, if ye think ya got what it takes to paint up one of our gobbos, now’s yer chance!

Wot’s Dis Contest All About?

From now until Thanksgiving, all ye gotta do is paint one o’ them goblins from PocketGoblin.com 🎨. Doesn’t matter if ye slap on paint like a troll, or if ya got the delicate paws of a wizard—everyone’s got a shot!

Here’s how ya do it:

1. Like the post and give us a follow (we’re watchin’ ya! 👀)

2. Share the contest post wit’ yer mates (tell ‘em we said so!).

3. Pick a goblin from PocketGoblin.com 🐸, paint it up real nice (or as nice as goblins can manage, eh?).

4. Post yer painted goblin on our subreddit over at /r/pocketgoblin and tell us a bit about yer masterpiece. Don’t forget to add a few sneaky details about yer creation—goblins love a good story! 🖌️

How Do I Win? 🏆

On Thanksgiving Day, all yer painted goblins will be shown to the world on /r/pocketgoblin, where the whole goblin community will vote on their favorite one! The gobbo wit’ the most upvotes wins! So ye better be sneaky and tell all yer mates to go vote fer yer goblin! 🤫

Wot Do I Get?

Oh, ya only get the BEST THING EVER—a Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra Printer! Just think o’ all the fancy 3D-printed goblins and stuff ye can make with it. Ye’ll be the most powerful goblin in all the realms! And guess what? It’s like gettin’ a Christmas present early 🎁, so ye better get yer paintbrushes ready!

When Do I Need to Paint?

NOW until Thanksgiving: Paint yer goblin and post it on the subreddit.

Thanksgiving Day: That’s when the voting begins, and the goblins will be cheerin’ and upvotin’!

After Thanksgiving: We’ll be shoutin’ from the mountaintops who won, and that lucky goblin will get their prize shipped right to their cave! 🏆

What Are Ye Waitin’ Fer?

Go to PocketGoblin.com, pick yerself a goblin to paint, and get to work! This be yer chance to show off yer goblin skills, win somethin’ shiny, and become the goblin king (well, of the printers, anyway!).

Now get out there, start paintin’, and may the best goblin win the prize! 🖌️

How to Enter: Like, follow, share, paint a goblin from PocketGoblin.com, and post it on /r/pocketgoblin

When? NOW ‘til Thanksgiving Day!

Voting: Held on the subreddit on Thanksgiving Day.

Now quit yappin’ and start paintin’, gobbo! 🐸