Pocket Goblin

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"Crafting Goblin Magic: A Sneaky Guide to Midjourney Image Wizardry

Hehehe, listen up, ya gobbos! Muddlewort's gonna show ya how to work some magic and get yer goblin gang all prettified in Midjourney. We gonna use that Discord app, so sharpen yer claws and follow along, or I'll turn ya into a frog! Step 1: Find Yer Way into Discord First things first, ya gotta get into the Discord app. If ye ain't got it, download it on yer magic box (that’s yer phone or computer, ya dunce). Once ya got it, open it up and log in, or I’ll tell the trolls yer secrets! Step 2: Sneak into the Midjourney Server Now, find yer way to the Midjourney server. If yer already in, good on ya! If not, get yerself an invite. No invite? Go bug one of the bigger goblins till they give ya one! Step 3: Get to the Right Channel Now, ya gotta find the right place to be makin’ yer magic. Go to a channel where ya can enter commands. It might be called something like "newbies" or "imagine." Don't be wanderin’ off into the wrong cave, or ya might get lost! Step 4: Time to Upload the Piccy! Here’s the tricky bit, so listen close. Ya want to share an image, right? Click on that lil’ plus sign or paperclip down where ya type stuff, and choose “Upload a File.” Find the piccy yer gonna use (maybe a sketch of yer goblin gang or whatever ya got), and hit "Open." But wait, ya don't have to upload a piccy if ya don't got one! Just skip ahead to makin' yer goblin magic with the prompt. Hehehe! Step 5: The Magic Words (That’s the Prompt, Dummy) Now comes the best part! Type out this prompt after the image link appears

/imagine An adorable group shot of goblins, featuring all 5 members in cartoon style, each smiling with crooked teeth, posed together as if preparing for a battle, black background with subtle spotlight effects. Soft shading, vivid colors, inspired by kawaii and pop art, smooth textures, HD quality, natural look --ar 3:4 --v 6.1 Ya gotta type it just right, or the magic won’t work! And don’t forget the --ar 3:4 --v 6.1 at the end! That’s like puttin' the lid on yer potion! Step 6: Hit Enter and Wait for the Goblin Magic! Once ya got that typed out, smash that enter key with all yer might! Now, ya just wait a moment while the magic brews. Midjourney will start cookin' up a goblin image for ya. Step 7: Admire Yer Goblin Gang! When the magic's done, ya should see yer goblin gang all shiny and new! If ya like it, give yerself a pat on the back. If not, just try again and tweak them magic words!And that’s it, ya sneaky goblin! Now, go show off yer goblin gang and let ‘em know Muddlewort taught ya the ways of image magic! Just don't let the trolls steal yer work, or I'll be comin' after ya!